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Neuropathy Treatment Options

Neuropathy foot exam and diagnosis.

How is peripheral neuropathy diagnosed?

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are highly variable. A thorough neurological examination is required to sort out the cause of the symptoms along with a medical history and lifestyle review. Work environment, social habits, exposure to toxins, alcohol use, risk of infectious diseases, and a family history of neurological diseases could all be contributing factors. In addition, tests are usually performed to identify the cause of the neuropathy as well as the extent and type of nerve damage.

A physical examination and various tests may reveal the presence of a systemic disease causing the nerve damage. Tests of muscle strength, the ability to sense vibration, light touch, body position, temperature, and pain can reveal any sensory nerve damage and may indicate whether small or large sensory nerve fibers are affected.

Blood tests can detect diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, liver or kidney dysfunction, other metabolic disorders, and signs of abnormal immune system activity. More specialized tests may reveal other blood or cardiovascular diseases, connective tissue disorders.

Based on the results of the neurological exam, physical exam and patient history additional tests may be ordered to help determine the nature and extent of the neuropathy.

Neuropathy Nerve Diagram

Treating Peripheral Neuropathy

The first step in treating peripheral neuropathy is to address any contributing causes such as infection, toxin exposure, medication-related toxicity, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal deficiencies, autoimmune disorders, or compression that can lead to neuropathy. Correcting an underlying condition often can result in the neuropathy resolving on its own as the nerves recover or regenerate.

Peripheral nerves have the ability to regenerate axons, as long as the nerve cell itself has not died, which may lead to functional recovery over time.

Non-Surgical, Painless, Drug Free Treatment

Low-level light therapy using light emitting diode technology.

This treatment has three main goals; increase blood flow, stimulate small fiber nerves and decrease brain-based pain.

It is believed in some cases the light therapy stimulates the blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide the proper nutrients to heal and repair. It’s like watering a tree providing the roots to grow deeper and deeper.

The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to fully recover varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation.

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Peripheral Neuropathy is a Progressive Condition, Don't Hesitate to Seek Treatment!

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